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Managed Mainframe

Mainframe users are increasingly facing major challenges in managing an IT environment. It involves capacity issues, security issues, downtime, hardware or software that is no longer supported, cost-intensive switches to other platforms, the availability of in-house experts, and many more aspects. Outsourcing is often ruled out as an alternative because either it is already clear that the platform will be abandoned for good in the foreseeable future, or the costs would not be reduced but increased considerably.

Outsourcing services“ mainstorconcept does not equal outsourcing and certainly not moving your mainframe IT to another location.

Mit unserem Managed Mainframe Service bleibt… = With our Managed Mainframe Service, your hardware stays on your premises and you leave the management of your mainframe IT to our specialists.

  • The managed service is tailored to fit your needs.
  • You decide which IT tasks you want us to handle.
  • With our 24/7 service, our specialists are available to you around the clock.
  • We manage your system environment effectively and cost-efficiently.

We focus on a smooth migration of service provision from your own employees to our team and take into account the special conditions we find in your company.